Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mixed Emotions

Lately I've been dealing with lots of conflicting emotions. It's annoying. So to prove to you all that I'm not perfect and I do not always have it all together, here's me being real with y'all today:

Example #1: I've spent the entire week obsessing over my picks to win American Idol and Dancing with the Stars. Lame, I know. I've been so anxious to turn on the TV every night and see my shows and I've been so excited and joyful when my favorite wins. Then I flip one channel over and there it is. So much devastation, pain and sadness dealing with all the natural disasters that are happening lately, especially in our country. Do I really have a right to sit in my comfy house and watch reality TV when some people don't even have a house to go to, not to mention no food to eat or clothes to wear? Obviously there's not a whole lot I could do for them besides pray and give money to help. Where do you find that balance though? I can't halt my life just because someone else's life is stalled. But where are my priorities?

Example #2: Someone close to our family chose to do something that we consider (and this person does too) to be sinful. Yet, in return they are receiving something amazing. Make no mistake, they are going to receive consequences for their bad choices, but they also (by God's grace) received a gift. Where do you draw the line between rejoicing with them in their happiness yet not condoning their shameful behavior? It can be tough. So tough.

Example #3: Kyle and I have been praying for God to do something specific in our lives. I have had the privilege to celebrate with others when God has done this very thing for them. How do you respond when you have to watch others enjoy something that you have been praying for?? To make it worse, sometimes I feel like these people don't *deserve* this thing (not like I deserve it either, but that's just me being human). I know in my head that God's timing is perfect and His plan is better than mine. Living it can be challenging though.

I know the answers to my own questions, but it feels good to get them out. Confused yet? If not, what are your thoughts? How do you handle mixed emotions and find the right balance?

1 comment:

DiDi's Blog said...

Continue to keep praying and things will happen in "God's Time", not ours... You'll see... Love you guys