Sunday, February 17, 2008

Wedding Shower

I had a very lovely wedding shower on Saturday, given by the wonderful ladies at church. We had about 50 people come including my Grandma and a few Aunts. Kyle and I received LOTS of very nice things. Kyle had to work, not that he would have enjoyed being there anyways, haha. We were so thrilled and surprised at the car loads we collected. My Mom promptly displayed them on our dining room table when we got everything home. Here are some pics.

Present Table

Yummy Food!




They made a BOWquette from the presents

Aunt Lou enjoying my "Lindsey and Kyle" scrapbook

Cutest Card award

Cutest Bag award

Display of gifts

More gifts

We were so blessed

more gifts

kitchen goodies

We met with our wedding director Friday night and got everything planned out for the rehearsal and the BIG DAY!! It only took 2 and a half hours so I think we did good!! We also met with the ladies decorating the reception after the shower and that went well. A few more trips to Michael's and we'll have everything ready. We meet with the Pastor this Friday night to finalize the ceremony proceedings and we'll be set. Only four more weeks!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 8, 2008


36 days until THE wEdDiNg!!!

oh... and if you haven't checked out our page yet go here:

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Weird Situation

OK so this actually happened a few days ago but I thought it was blog worthy. ***Let's go back to last September... I left the hospital late one day because I got stuck with a difficult patient. So I was in a super big hurry to get to work. I was flying around some curves when I see the stupid blue lights behind me. Yes I was speeding, Yes I know that's illegal, but I was hurrying to work so I could save people's lives... you understand. I thought that speeding was justifiable in that situation. Apparently not, and the cop wasn't very nice at all. This big bulky black dude comes stomping up to my window and demands my license and registration, not even asking for an explanation, which as I've already stated, I had a very good reason for going 20mph over the speed limit. Not to mention, they had just changed the speed limit on that road only 2 weeks before and I was not aware of that. yeah. Well anyways, I got a ticket. I dished out the money to pay the lawyer, got a point on my license and I was done with it. And I had just about forgotten about the whole situation when...***

***Jump to February. I'm at work on a Saturday and everything is way crazy. It's flu season, everybody and their mother are sitting in our waiting room. All of the sudden, an x-ray requisition prints off and to my dismay, it is the name of the cop who gave me my ticket. Lucky us, our office gets all the Holly Springs cops when they get hurt or sick. So... I had to go get this mean, hateful cop who had no mercy on me and smile and be nice to him. He didn't recognize me so I politely asked him to follow me to the radiology suite and change into a gown (I chuckled to myself when he gave me that "are you serious, I have to be a gown" look) When I got him into the x-ray room, he was coughing up a lung and I did my spill on how we were going to do the chest x-rays. Then I couldn't take it anymore... I had to let him know something. So I told him he was the cop who gave me a ticket a few months ago. He immediately got this really embarassed look on his face and just said "I might have been." I said Oh no, you were. I remember it all very clear and I explained that I was in a hurry to get to the office to x-ray sick people and help them feel better :) So anyways, I bumped up the radiation a few notches and fried his butt. Hehe, just kidding! Anyways, he turned out to be a not so bad person and I know he was just doing his job. But when he left, he looked down at the floor and apoligized for giving me a ticket, but then said that he had also given our Doctor a ticket too not realizing who he was. Then I felt much better! Anyways, I thought the whole thing was kind of funny so I thought I would share. Hope everyone is having a great week!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bridal Tea

I had my Bridal Tea today!! It was so much fun and the food was absolutely delicious! Everything was so nice and pretty. My friend Amy and second Mom Sherry hosted it and they did such a great job. I even got a "Bride To Be" crown. Here's some pics.

Amy, me, Mrs. Sherry



Mom, me and Mom Fescoe

Lesley, Leah, Me, Kristina, Crystin, Courtney