Happy March everyone!
This month tends to stress me out more than any other month, including December. Our month is jammed packed with birthdays, anniversaries, wedding showers, trips, etc etc... It's exciting but very busy!
I was inspired by another blog this morning to think about all the times that march is mentioned in scripture. Quite fitting for this month as I picture myself taking up my armor and marching forth to face the busyness of this month. There are many verses in the Bible that talk about marching but I will leave you with one. I chose this one because I have been studying the book of Isaiah sense last September. I have a new love and appreciation for the Word of God. There's so much to learn. I love taking a single book and studying it verse by verse. I love comparing it to other scriptures, learning the history behind it, what God was doing at that time and applying it to my life today. It's awesome. God is awesome. There's really no way I can explain it to you, you have to read and study it for yourself. God has taught me so much this year and I'm so thankful for the freedom and the opportunity to study His word through a program like BSF.
OK, here's the verse:
"The Lord will march out like a champion, like a warrior He will stir up His zeal; with a shout He will raise the battle cry and will triumph over His enemies." - Isaiah 42:13
This is a beautiful picture to me. At this point, Isaiah is speaking of the prophesied time when the Israel will be captive in Babylon. They are there because of their sin, but God is going to rescue them. Babylon was cruel to God's people and they "laid a very heavy yoke" (Isaiah 47:6) on the captives. But get this, not only were they enemies of the Israelites, they were enemies of God. They found themselves with this title because of their cruelty to God's people and because they rejected God as the one true God. The best part is though, God's people would not have to fight for themselves, God was going to fight for them. God alone would fight that battle, and He would win. God's people were set free (after the 70 years was up) from exile when Cyrus came into power and declared that all captives should be set free. It just brings me such comfort to know that God is fighting for me. I need not worry about my enemies and the struggles I face on a daily basis. God goes before me. And as Romans 8 says, if God is for us, who can be against us? I can depend on His strength, I can trust His sovereignty and I can place my full faith in Him because He loves me and He has redeemed me. I can never thank Him enough!! I can march on and face the day because I know God is marching ahead of me and will fight for me every step of the way!
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