If anyone out there is looking for a great book to read, I HIGHLY recommend What in the World is going on? by Dr. David Jeremiah. He goes in depth into 10 prophetic clues from the Bible and explains how they are coming true in our world today. It's pretty amazing. Sometimes we live in our own little box and never realize what is happening in the world around us. Of course the media is never going to tell us half of what is really going on, but this book does. You may not believe one word of the Bible, but you can't ignore the prophecies that have already come true and the ones that are playing out right before our very eyes. Dr. Jeremiah goes into great detail describing Israel's connection (God help us if we ever turn our back on them), the oil crisis connection, Islam, the Rapture, the anti-Christ and all kinds of other amazing things that were foretold hundreds of years ago. Even if you aren't convinced of the spiritual implications behind the prophecies, you will be enlightened about some serious things that are happening in our world.
I read this part last night and just have to share it with you:
God sounded the warnings loud and clear. They have come through His prophets in the Old Testament, through New Testament writers, and even through Jesus Himself. The firestorm is coming in the form of seven years of tribulation, when no Christian influence will temper the evil that will plunge the earth into a cauldron of misery and devastation. But you can avoid the destruction and be evacuated. You can enter your name on the list of those who will hear the trumpet call of the Rapture by turning to Christ and beginning to live the pure and holy life that characterizes those who will enter heaven. As the apostle John wrote: "But there shall by no means enter it [the heavenly kingdom of God] anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life" (Revelation 21:27)
If your name is not in that book, when the Rapture occurs you will be left behind to experience horrors worse than anything the world has yet seen. I hope you will not wait another day; turn to Jesus Christ now, before it is too late, and become one of those who will hear His call on that great and terrible day.
READ THIS BOOK, you won't regret it, I promise!! :)
1 comment:
Thank you so much for posting a review of "What in the World Is Going On?" on your blog! I work with Thomas Nelson, and we would love to follow your blog and learn what readers think of this exciting book. I also want to let you know that Dr. Jeremiah has just released a new book titled "Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World" which offers practical instruction for living a confident life in a world filled with chaos and crisis. Please contact me with your mailing address if you are interested in receiving a complimentary copy of "Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World" for review on your site.
Jodi Hughes
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