Kyle and I had a great honeymoon on our Caribbean Cruise. It was absolutely wonderful. It was warm and sunny the whole time and the food was AWESOME! Our first stop was Key West and we did some shopping and checked out the Pirate Museum which was very cool. I had a killer rooster charge at me while we were eating outside at the Hard Rock Cafe. It was a short day but very nice. Our next stop was Cozumel. This was probably my favorite place of all. We took a taxi to the shops and walked around and took lots of picture. A group of three amigos sang a romantic Mexican song for us while we ate a Mexican feast. Then we convinced Ricardo to let us ride on his horse and buggy back to the ship which was like a 30 minute drive. The next day we arrived in the Cayman Islands. The Captain told everyone that the water was unseasonably rough and the ship was rocking pretty hard. So unfortunately our snorkeling excursion got canceled so we caught a taxi to the 7-mile beach. We rented snorkeling equipment and tried to snorkel on our own but that was a complete disaster. The waves were rough and we had to get over a reef that was quite dangerous and I panicked and almost drowned. I consider myself to be a pretty good swimmer but that was way crazy. Kyle had to come save me and help be back across the reef. We laid out for a bit on the gorgeous white sand beach after that but after a couple of hours we were tired and hot and decided to head back. Day 4 brought more fun in Jamaica. Our excursion that day was described to us as a nice boat ride down the river that ends at a waterfall where you can enjoy a cool swim or a climb up the waterfall. OK, that was SO not what it actually was. There was no boat ride, instead we rode a bus for an hour and a half from Montego Bay to Ocho Rios and walked to the bottom of the water fall where we all had to climb up the water fall in groups of about 10 while holding hands. Our tour guides were little skinny Jamaicans smoking "herbs" while trying to pull us up the waterfall. Kyle and I were a little ticked at first and then it just became hilarious. Everyone was falling and slipping and it was probably one of the most dangerous things I've ever done besides our snorkeling experience. I got called a chicken when I refused to let them drop me backwards off a rock into the water, yeah whatever. Anyways, it took about an hour to climb all the way to the top and we got some pictures with the underwater camera but we haven't gotten those developed yet. So that was quite an interesting day. Friday the ship was cruising all day so we slept most of the day by the pool and woke up to take lunch and dinner breaks. We went to a show every night and they were all pretty good. We tried out the buffets, coffee shop, casino, lounges and we even found our way to the front of the ship and took some pictures there too. It was a great time but we were tired and exhausted after trying to get home on Saturday, I ended up getting a migraine that night. I could have stayed another week on the ship but now it's back to reality and back to school and work, yay.
Us in our super cute visors!!

Key West

Formal Night

at SeƱor Frogs

in front of our ship

at the front of the ship

before dinner

Kyle chillin by the pool on Friday
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