Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Spring Break

It's finally spring break for me! =) However, there is a To Do List

- schedule a date and time to take the radiography national board exam
- study for a test the first day back
- organize review notebook
- clean room
- catch up on laundry
- call wedding photographers/dj's/bakeries and schedule appointments
- run at least 3 days
- possibly make a trip to Atlanta to see my cousin's new baby boy :)
- go to the BEACH with Kyle :)

We'll see how much of that actually gets done, ha!

Have a great week everybody!


Kristen said...

I hope you have a fruitful and productive spring break. Make sure you fit in some rest and sleep!

Courtney said...

Ahh have a good spring break and enjoy the time off!! Which beach are you going to?

Michelle said...

Awww - go see the new baby boy :)