Thursday, January 27, 2011

Facing my fears

I donated blood for the first time ever today. Not by choice. I had to. I'm a little embarrassed about never donating before but I do have a serious needle phobia and really get myself worked up when I have to get a shot or have blood drawn. I have also worked at several blood drives and seen many, many people get really sick. It's kind of childish I know, but I can't help it. I know I should be giving regularly because I work in health care and I totally understand the need for blood donors and I have O- blood, the universal donor, which means I can give blood to anyone with any blood type. Yeah, they practically beg for my blood.

Anyway, last fall I found out that I have a blood condition called hemochromatosis. Basically, I have high iron. Yup, when the rest of women my age are suffering with anemia, I have too much iron. Go figure. The good thing and bad thing is that there is no medication needed, there is only one simple fix. Donate blood. Of course. The one thing I am super scared to do is the only treatment for my "condition." It makes sense though, donating blood will decrease my iron enough to be in the normal range. If I don't do this, the excess iron could start building up in my organs and cause some serious problems. So, that is why I donated blood today.

I have dreaded doing this for months and yesterday it was all I could think about. I was so nervous I was shaking and could barely sleep last night. I almost had a meltdown before I walked on to the blood mobile today but thankfully it was at Wake Tech where Kyle works and he came out and gave me a pep talk before I went in. I have to say that the techs that worked this particular blood mobile were the Red Cross' best. They were all absolutely wonderful, completely understanding, patient and gentle with me. They could clearly see that I was a nervous wreck and was on the verge of tears the whole time. They made sure I had plenty of soda the whole time, even while I was hooked up to the IV. I thought you only got the treats at the end, maybe they just made an exception for me, I don't know. I accidentally spilled some Coke on my shirt and they felt so bad, they gave me a Red Cross t-shirt. I noticed that no one else got a shirt so that made me feel really special. So long story short, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The needle stick hurt when François (my phlebotomist) poked me but I felt nothing when he pulled it out. He told me at least 10 times that I could trust him and he was right. I stayed completely focused the whole time and I even had the guts at one point to look down at my arm and see the blood pouring out. Once the needle was out I thought I was all clear. I sat up and started eating my snack and after about 5 minutes of sitting, all of the sudden I felt kind of dizzy. I have passed out before so I knew I had better lay down right away. After about 3 or 4 minutes that feeling went away and I was totally fine. I was so impressed by the guys on this truck, they can really make or break your experience. I really wanted to give them all a hug when I left but I thought that might be a tad weird.

God is so good. I wouldn't need Him if life was easy so I know this was just one more chance (small as it may be) for me to depend on His strength to get me through. It's been about 6 hours now and I still feel fine. I did come home and sleep for two hours though. I was drained. I'm glad I got this first time behind me and that it wasn't too bad because from now on, I am going to have to be a regular on the blood mobile.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Stealing this idea because I'm not creative today and I think it's cool.

Here are my confessions...

1. I talk to myself while driving all the time. No where else. Just in the car. Strange...

2. I'm a really bad loser. I pout for hours when Kyle beats me at anything. Wait that's not a confession... y'all already knew that.

3. I seriously want to take Ball Room dancing lessons. And yes, I am still a Southern Baptist.

4. I am donating blood for the first time this month and I'm so nervous I could puke.

5. I check my e-mail at least 10 times a day. I can't help it. I don't want to miss anything.

6. I've gained approximately 10 pounds in the last 3-4 months. Maybe that's why Kyle asked me the other day if my favorite ice cream flavor was Chunky Monkey?? hmmm.....

What are yours?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ice Pictures

Let me start by saying that this was my FIRST attempt ever at using my new Nikon to take nature pictures. I'm still learning so don't judge me, photography friends. It was also very challenging considering that everything was ice, including the ground I was walking on. It was super hard to get some of the pictures that I was hoping to get but I think they turned out half way decent. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I have challenged myself to participate in Beth Moore's Siesta Scripture Memory Team this year. It involves memorizing any Bible verse of my choosing every two weeks, for a total of 24 verses by the end of the year. It's going to be hard but very rewarding. I have a spiral of note cards where I will write my verse down every two weeks. I will keep my spiral with me in my purse wherever I go this year so I will always have it to refer back to. I was involved in a Bible program when I was younger that required memorizing one or more verses every week and to this day I still remember a lot of them. It's amazing how God will bring these verses to your mind when you're in the middle of a tough, scary , confusing situation or just when you need some guidance and direction. We are in a spiritual battle everyday whether we realize it or not. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:12)  Our only offensive piece of armor if described in Ephesians 6:17 as the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God.We need to have the Word in our minds so we can stand and fight. Kyle is already holding me accountable by asking me everyday to say my verse... as well as the 8,000 other ladies who are participating. I also ask each of YOU to pray for me and help hold me accountable for memorizing my verses. *Grin*

My first verse is about my thoughts. I won't be able to conquer my words and my actions until I conquer my thoughts. Let's see if I can type it from memory...

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things." - Philippians 4:8 (NIV)

If I can stick with this, I know I won't be sorry!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


2010 was another great year!

We had a few FIRSTS:

We went to our first Atlanta, Braves baseball game while visiting family for July 4th!

We got to meet a couple of the Fescoe family members for the first time in September!

We visited Asheville, NC and the Biltmore House for the first time when we visited some friends in November.

Lindsey started her first year of Bible Study Fellowship (7 more years to go!)

We also had a SECOND:

We celebrated our 2nd Anniversary in March with an awesome trip to Savannah, GA which included eating at Lady and Sons!


We paid off 2 of our credit cards and got a little closer to being debt free!!

We also finished decorating our dining room and setting up the guest room!

Lindsey had a NEW START:

Lindsey started a new MRI  job at Rex Hospital and loves it!


We had one sister graduate high school and two sisters graduate college this year!!

We had the privilege to SERVE:

Lindsey served in the Women's Ministry and Kyle served in the A/V ministry at church

We got to go to Charlotte, NC in December and help in the Operation Christmas Child warehouse for day

We hosted and lead a wonderful and fun Bible Study (Scouting the Divine) in our home with some awesome friends

We also had a lot to be THANKFUL for:

our jobs, our health, supportive families, wonderful and encouraging friends and the many, many, MANY other blessings God has given us! We do not take any of these things for granted!

Three general goals we have for 2011:
* eat healthier
* keep working hard at getting out of debt
* give more away

"You crown the year with Your goodness; Your ways overflow with plenty."  Psalm 65:11

Happy New Year everyone!!!