Friday, June 25, 2010
twitter, health foods and vacation
First of all, as if I'm not already addicted to the internet enough, I'm now on Twitter (@LindseyFescoe). So is Kyle. (@kylefescoe) I was really really really trying not to do it. I lasted so long without it and I still don't need it. But Facebook is kind of getting annoying and it's so much cooler to follow celebs than my friends, haha. Plus, I figured if Beth Moore did it, it can't be that bad. ;) Anyway, find us on Twitter if you're on there too.
As some of you know, I've been feeling pretty convicted lately about changing over to a healthier diet. This is something that is super hard for me. I LOVE fast food, sweets and soda. All of which are terribly bad for you. Change is also hard. I have already been eating less meat for a few months now but I know that's not enough. I went to a healthy eating/cooking class on Tuesday night and learned a lot. But it pretty much just reinforced for me that I seriously need to change my diet. It's not that I don't realize my eating style is bad for me, it's just that I love food and I have trouble finding the will power and motivation to change. Not only is heart disease the #1 killer of Americans, it is also very prominent in my family. Kinda scary. So I am slowly going to change things in our diet. Not all at once or it would seriously stress me out. So I started with drinks. I am only buying organic milk now (look outside your window, a pig is probably flying by right now) and I am no longer buying sodas at the store. I'm not giving up my Dr. Pepper completely, but I'm at least giving it up at home. (And no, I'm not switching over to diet sodas, they are even worse. I'm not as concerned about calories, the whole point for me is to eliminate carbonated water which is ultra bad for your bones. The weight loss is a nice bonus.) I think that's enough change for one week.
One week and counting until our vacation to Atlanta. My parents and Leah and coming with us and we are staying with my Aunt Beth and her family!!! I can not wait to see my cousins and their babies, it's been way too long!! We are also going to our first Braves game, woot!!!!! Can NOT wait!!!!!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there!!
Kyle and I are both so thankful for our Dads! They have been such a positive influence on our lives and we know that are a large part of who we are today is because of them. We are also so thankful to the Lord that they are still here with us... either a short drive or phone call away. We have some sweet friends who just lost their Dad way too soon. They are having to experience their first Father's Day without their Dad less than a week after his passing. If your father is still with you today give him a call and a BIG hug next time you see him!!
What Makes A Dad
God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... Dad
~ Author Unknown
We love you!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010
Weekend Fun
I had to work until midnight Friday night so we didn't get on the road to Jacksonville until Saturday morning. We were so excited about Courtney's graduation party and seeing family and friends we hadn't seen in a while! Ava and Lincoln are literally the cutest kids ever, smart too and super sweet. Really wish we got to see them more often... and Chris and Michelle too ;) It's always great to see the Florida crowd and Aunt Diane made pudding filled cupcakes. They were amazing! Andy and Joan made it down from NJ, always love seeing them! Lots of friends came that we hadn't seen since our wedding I think so that was cool. We had a really fun time but the visits are always too short.
Sunday morning we headed back early so we could make it in time for my Mom's birthday lunch celebration! Yes she turned the BIG 5-0 today!! We surprised her with an Olive Garden lunch, cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory and lots of presents and then flowers at her work today! Happy Birthday Mom, I love you!
Last night started Vacation Bible School at our church. We don't always get to participate in this big event but this year we are! Our theme is SonQuest Rainforest, how fun! Kyle is actually in the skit crew, hehe. I think it's kind of funny since he has NEVER done anything like that before but he got recruited and is doing a marvelous job. He gets to play the smart and responsible one out of the group which fits him perfectly. I'm a tour guide for one of the out-of-kindergarten classes so my job is super easy. Just show up and escort kids around to the different stations all night! So we will have a busy week with VBS every night, maybe we will get some rest this weekend. Maybe.
Last High School Grad
Anyway, we are so proud of Leah! Can't wait to see all the places life will take her! The highlight of the day though was when my Dad pulled out the keys to her new car!!! She couldn't stop smiling! And of course it was a Honda! All three sisters are proud drivers of a Honda now! YAY!
I love you Leah!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Long Week
A little background here. As you know Kyle and I just finished up Dave Ramsey's, Financial Peace University class. (Have I said before that I highly recommend this class?) So I got to thinking... I really really really want to be able to stay home when I have kids. I don't mind working part time but I want to be home during the day with my kids. That's just how it is. But we still have a lot of things that we want to either pay off or things we want to buy BEFORE we have kids. I figured it would be worth busting now and working extra hard to be able to stay home with my kids later.
SO... I decided to start a second job (non-health care related). A low-stress, easy kind of job. I have worked two MRI jobs at the same time before and it was way too physically, mentally and emotionally stressful for me. So I took a job at Kohl's working in their advertising department. I go in 2-4 nights a week and work until 1 or 2am. I wasn't sure how I would like it but so far it's not that bad. I am on a team with about 7 other people but mainly we work individually. We break up the store in sections and we divide and conquer. It's quiet, I'm by myself for the most part and the best part... there's not much customer service involved. Not that I don't love people, because I do. I love working in health care where I'm with people ALL day. I just need a break sometimes. I am obviously not making as much as I would with an MRI job but it's something. Our goal is to use the money I make at Kohl's to pay off some things and save the rest. I set a goal to work there until the end of the year. That gives me some kind of motivation to keep going. I can see the end and I know it's not forever. At the end of the year, we'll see how well we've done. I've already received my first paycheck and a 100 on my first audit so that was very exciting! A little more motivation to keep going! I must admit, the employee discount is super nice, so hopefully I will make it out of the store with at least some of my paycheck left!
Anyway, so between the Rex job and the Kohl's job last week I worked over 70 hours. I averaged about 4 hours of sleep a night all week. I thought I would feel like crap by the end but I actually felt great. I was tired, but it was a good kind of tired. It was the "I worked hard and made lots of money" kind of tired. I didn't even get a headache at all last week!! What?!?! I know. Crazy.
Maybe I usually get too much sleep or maybe God just gave me what I needed to get through the week. Either way, I'm thankful for the health, energy and supportive husband to do what it takes now to have what I want later. All I can say is "gazelle intensity" baby! :)
The next few weeks are going to be crazy!! Thank goodness for no more 70 hour work weeks for awhile. We have a wedding, a high school graduation, two graduation parties, a birthday and Father's Day! Fun stuff!
Love and blessings to all of you!