It is so very hard for me to say no to any missions trip that I have the opportunity to go on. God has given me such a passion for the peoples of this world. I love learning about different cultures and have such a huge desire to go overseas. From the time I was very young I always wanted to be a missionary, especially somewhere in Africa. I love to read about missionaries and hear their stories, good and bad. BUT, I have never felt God calling me to go full-time. I love going on short term missions trips though, and I have been on several.
Recently I had the opportunity to be a part of a trip to the Ukraine and working with Gypsy children. They are a group of people that are so despised by this world yet so loved by God. I watched the video presentation and immediately felt a huge tug on my heart. How could I say NO to those precious little faces. I wanted to go and love on them and play with them and teach them about Jesus. How could that not be God's will?!? Surely He would want me to go. Or so I tried to convince God, myself and Kyle.
To make it even more convincing, I found out that one of my friends was also going on the trip. Then, I found out that the guy who had led the trip to Cuba that I had been on a few years ago was also going. He is a wonderful man of God who has been a missionary for years and years and is the Grandpa of some of our really good friends. I grew very found of Mr. Jones on the Cuba trip and have learned a lot from him. I totally love being around him and he has so many stories, I could listen to him share all day. Surely that was God telling me I should go, right...??
It was a very long week while God finally had to pry my hands off of that trip. I found out that one of the days I would be gone would be my little sister's high school graduation. There is no way in the world I could give up being there on that BIG day for her. Family comes first, or at least it should. I haven't always put family first and I have regretted it every time. I never want to have that regret, ever again.
As much as I knew I couldn't go on that trip, I still felt my heart breaking and longing to go. I needed a confirmation. I prayed that God would show me why, show me something, confirm this in my heart so that I could move on. So not by coincidence, I opened up my "Esther" Bible study book that I had been through last fall. Out of the 11 weeks, I happened to turn to the week on timing. I was reminded of what we had learned about God's timing. In order for us to fulfill our destiny in Christ, we have to know when it's our time, when it's time to wait and when it's time to wait on someone else's time. In the mean-time, it's God time. We had learned that it's tough learning to balance passion with patience. That was it. That was my confirmation. I could almost audibly hear God saying to me "Lindsey, I have given you this passion for missions and for these people, but I need you to wait." I can honestly say, that in all my years of being a Christian, I have never been so sure of anything, besides marrying Kyle. But I have never had that kind of encounter with the Most High. It was all I needed. I knew I needed to have patience and wait. There would be many other opportunities for me to go overseas and serve, but this wasn't my time go. It was however, my time to stay and support my sister. This trip is a good thing, but I wanted it to be a God thing.
Kyle got home from work that day and I shared with him what I felt God had told me. That I was now confident in my decision. He told me that he had prayed that very day that God would give me a confirmation and that I would know. WOW. Is God good or what?!?!
So after all that and a slight meltdown, I'm not going and I'm totally OK with it. I'm still a little sad but I know that in the mean-time, I can do God's work right here. I don't have to go overseas to love on little children and share God's love with them. I pray that God will allow me to go overseas again at some point, but in His timing, and that's the way I want it.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Lindsey's Top 10
Here's my Top 10 for the week!
1. Having the privilege of scanning a Vietnam Vet the other day at work and having the time to sit with him and hear his story. He was telling me why he had to take 3 Valium to make it through the MRI because he was so claustrophobic because he had been trapped in fox holes during the war and he was traumatized. He told me a bunch of other really sad stuff too and I let him talk. So what if it took me an hour and a half to do his scan ;) And yes of course I had a good cry afterwards, he was messing with my flow man! But it really is patients like that that remind me why I am in this career.
2. Kyle got a computer desk from a guy he does some computer work for. Not exactly what we want but it works for now and it was free!! Now the home "office" is all cleaned out and looks much better!
3. I had a wonderful lunch and shopping with a very dear friend this week. It made my day! Good friends are hard to find so when you do find them, you don't let them go! Except she is about to move away for at least a year while her hubby does a residency. Boo!
4. I had the joy of watching the UNC basketball team LOSE TWO games this week. I'm not going to lie, it was delightful. Yes, I watched both games and prayed the whole time they would lose. I was born with a natural hatred for this team. I celebrate when they lose just as much as I do when NC State wins, hehe.
5. It was a gorgeous day on Friday! Absolutely perfect weather, it was so refreshing!
6. I walked out of my house today and heard the church bells ringing from a church down the road. I love living in the country so close to everything in downtown and I love church bells. It was a beautiful sound, I had to smile :)
7. It was Fun Food Friday at work yesterday and the ladies made some of the best food ever! I got two new recipes and I tried the cheese biscuit one tonight. YUM!!
8. I blogged about a book a couple of posts ago, somebody from the publisher saw it and I got a free book because of it! How cool is that?!?! :-)
9. I found an unused Bed, Bath and Beyond gift card when I cleaned out my wallet! Score!
...and, are you ready for this??
10. JACK IS BACK!!!!!!!!!! OK it hasn't officially happened yet but it will tomorrow. Two hours of "24" baby!! Oh come on, it's only the best show ever!!! I am beyond excited, and so is Kyle, he's just a tad more reserved about it that I am ;)
So basically it was a great week!! Hope yours was great too :)
1. Having the privilege of scanning a Vietnam Vet the other day at work and having the time to sit with him and hear his story. He was telling me why he had to take 3 Valium to make it through the MRI because he was so claustrophobic because he had been trapped in fox holes during the war and he was traumatized. He told me a bunch of other really sad stuff too and I let him talk. So what if it took me an hour and a half to do his scan ;) And yes of course I had a good cry afterwards, he was messing with my flow man! But it really is patients like that that remind me why I am in this career.
2. Kyle got a computer desk from a guy he does some computer work for. Not exactly what we want but it works for now and it was free!! Now the home "office" is all cleaned out and looks much better!
3. I had a wonderful lunch and shopping with a very dear friend this week. It made my day! Good friends are hard to find so when you do find them, you don't let them go! Except she is about to move away for at least a year while her hubby does a residency. Boo!
4. I had the joy of watching the UNC basketball team LOSE TWO games this week. I'm not going to lie, it was delightful. Yes, I watched both games and prayed the whole time they would lose. I was born with a natural hatred for this team. I celebrate when they lose just as much as I do when NC State wins, hehe.
5. It was a gorgeous day on Friday! Absolutely perfect weather, it was so refreshing!
6. I walked out of my house today and heard the church bells ringing from a church down the road. I love living in the country so close to everything in downtown and I love church bells. It was a beautiful sound, I had to smile :)
7. It was Fun Food Friday at work yesterday and the ladies made some of the best food ever! I got two new recipes and I tried the cheese biscuit one tonight. YUM!!
8. I blogged about a book a couple of posts ago, somebody from the publisher saw it and I got a free book because of it! How cool is that?!?! :-)
9. I found an unused Bed, Bath and Beyond gift card when I cleaned out my wallet! Score!
...and, are you ready for this??
10. JACK IS BACK!!!!!!!!!! OK it hasn't officially happened yet but it will tomorrow. Two hours of "24" baby!! Oh come on, it's only the best show ever!!! I am beyond excited, and so is Kyle, he's just a tad more reserved about it that I am ;)
So basically it was a great week!! Hope yours was great too :)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Many of us are already praying for Haiti, please keep praying!! They need it so badly!
But if you would like to financially give, you can go through Compassion which is already actively helping Haiti or World Vision. You can also give online through the Red Cross website. Go to "donate" and choose "International Response Fund," where Haiti is specified OR text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 to Red Cross relief efforts. They'll just charge it to your next cell phone bill. Super easy!
But if you would like to financially give, you can go through Compassion which is already actively helping Haiti or World Vision. You can also give online through the Red Cross website. Go to "donate" and choose "International Response Fund," where Haiti is specified OR text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 to Red Cross relief efforts. They'll just charge it to your next cell phone bill. Super easy!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
My cup runeth over...
I just love how God goes out of His way to not only meet our needs, but to bless us beyond what we could ask or expect. He doesn't just fill our cup, he fills it to overflowing! This week God has just poured on the blessings... a free book, a completely unexpected check in the mail, encouragement from a dear friend, on and on! Thank you Lord!
"You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows."
- Psalm 23:5
May you all experience the same kind of blessings!
"You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows."
- Psalm 23:5
May you all experience the same kind of blessings!
Monday, January 4, 2010
What in the world is going on?
If anyone out there is looking for a great book to read, I HIGHLY recommend What in the World is going on? by Dr. David Jeremiah. He goes in depth into 10 prophetic clues from the Bible and explains how they are coming true in our world today. It's pretty amazing. Sometimes we live in our own little box and never realize what is happening in the world around us. Of course the media is never going to tell us half of what is really going on, but this book does. You may not believe one word of the Bible, but you can't ignore the prophecies that have already come true and the ones that are playing out right before our very eyes. Dr. Jeremiah goes into great detail describing Israel's connection (God help us if we ever turn our back on them), the oil crisis connection, Islam, the Rapture, the anti-Christ and all kinds of other amazing things that were foretold hundreds of years ago. Even if you aren't convinced of the spiritual implications behind the prophecies, you will be enlightened about some serious things that are happening in our world.
I read this part last night and just have to share it with you:
God sounded the warnings loud and clear. They have come through His prophets in the Old Testament, through New Testament writers, and even through Jesus Himself. The firestorm is coming in the form of seven years of tribulation, when no Christian influence will temper the evil that will plunge the earth into a cauldron of misery and devastation. But you can avoid the destruction and be evacuated. You can enter your name on the list of those who will hear the trumpet call of the Rapture by turning to Christ and beginning to live the pure and holy life that characterizes those who will enter heaven. As the apostle John wrote: "But there shall by no means enter it [the heavenly kingdom of God] anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life" (Revelation 21:27)
If your name is not in that book, when the Rapture occurs you will be left behind to experience horrors worse than anything the world has yet seen. I hope you will not wait another day; turn to Jesus Christ now, before it is too late, and become one of those who will hear His call on that great and terrible day.
READ THIS BOOK, you won't regret it, I promise!! :)
I read this part last night and just have to share it with you:
God sounded the warnings loud and clear. They have come through His prophets in the Old Testament, through New Testament writers, and even through Jesus Himself. The firestorm is coming in the form of seven years of tribulation, when no Christian influence will temper the evil that will plunge the earth into a cauldron of misery and devastation. But you can avoid the destruction and be evacuated. You can enter your name on the list of those who will hear the trumpet call of the Rapture by turning to Christ and beginning to live the pure and holy life that characterizes those who will enter heaven. As the apostle John wrote: "But there shall by no means enter it [the heavenly kingdom of God] anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life" (Revelation 21:27)
If your name is not in that book, when the Rapture occurs you will be left behind to experience horrors worse than anything the world has yet seen. I hope you will not wait another day; turn to Jesus Christ now, before it is too late, and become one of those who will hear His call on that great and terrible day.
READ THIS BOOK, you won't regret it, I promise!! :)
Friday, January 1, 2010
Kyle and I are collaborating on this post because God has blessed us, protected us, challenged us, graced us and even humored us so much this year! There are a ton more things we could write on this list, but these are the big ones. We want to write it all down so we can look back years from now and see how far we have come. We want our future children to see and know their heritage in the Lord.
"Only be on your guard and diligently watch yourselves, so that you don't forget the things your eyes have seen and so that they don't slip from your mind as long as you live. Teach them to your children and your grandchildren." - Deuteronomy 4:9
"We must not hide them from their children, but must tell a future generation the praises of the LORD, His might, and the wonderful works He has performed." - Psalm 78:4
In 2009 we celebrated our 1st anniversary and we were able to buy our first house. God protected our jobs in the economic crisis and Kyle even got an unexpected promotion and a raise.
We were able to spend a whole lot of time with family this year. We got to see Kyle's grandparents at the beginning of the year, we spent July 4th in Atlanta with some of Lindsey's family, we celebrated her Dad's 50th birthday, welcomed lots of healthy babies into our family, spent Thanksgiving in Myrtle Beach with the Fescoe's, we got to see both sides of our families at Christmas.
God protected our health this year and kept us safe.
We were able to celebrate two amazing miracles: The healing of a hurting cousin and a sweet friend's pregnancy.
2009 was an overall wonderful and happy year for us. We know there are always ups and downs in life and at some point we will find ourselves in a rough season. However, right now we are praising God for a year full of blessings and celebrations!
Happy New Year and we pray that God blesses you and keeps you all safe in 2010!!
We love you all!
Kyle and Lindsey
"Only be on your guard and diligently watch yourselves, so that you don't forget the things your eyes have seen and so that they don't slip from your mind as long as you live. Teach them to your children and your grandchildren." - Deuteronomy 4:9
"We must not hide them from their children, but must tell a future generation the praises of the LORD, His might, and the wonderful works He has performed." - Psalm 78:4
In 2009 we celebrated our 1st anniversary and we were able to buy our first house. God protected our jobs in the economic crisis and Kyle even got an unexpected promotion and a raise.
We were able to spend a whole lot of time with family this year. We got to see Kyle's grandparents at the beginning of the year, we spent July 4th in Atlanta with some of Lindsey's family, we celebrated her Dad's 50th birthday, welcomed lots of healthy babies into our family, spent Thanksgiving in Myrtle Beach with the Fescoe's, we got to see both sides of our families at Christmas.
God protected our health this year and kept us safe.
We were able to celebrate two amazing miracles: The healing of a hurting cousin and a sweet friend's pregnancy.
2009 was an overall wonderful and happy year for us. We know there are always ups and downs in life and at some point we will find ourselves in a rough season. However, right now we are praising God for a year full of blessings and celebrations!
Happy New Year and we pray that God blesses you and keeps you all safe in 2010!!
We love you all!
Kyle and Lindsey
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