Hey everyone! Yes, we're still here!!
We have been super busy! We just have a few short weeks left of our Upward season. It has been such a challenge and very time-consuming but it has also been so much fun. Kyle is so proud of his undefeated team, even though we're not keeping score ;)
We are also so thankful for Kyle's recent promotion at work!! He so deserves it, he has worked so hard for the college the last few years and it's about time he got more appreciation and respect.
I have been participating in another Beth Moore Bible study and it's awesome as always. It's a study on the book of Esther, I love it, especially since it's about a WOMAN! yeah! Today's lesson left me feeling so encouraged. I struggle a lot with being a perfectionist. If I can't do it perfect, I tend to not want to do it at all. Sometimes I overcome that and do what I know I should do anyway, but I always stress myself out over everything. It's a major problem, I stress to the point that I can't sleep and end up with migraines. I have so much self-doubt and I'm so insecure over every little thing. Beth's words were exactly what I needed to hear, I thought I would share just in case anyone else could use some encouragement too!
"Do you happen to struggle with perfectionism and perhaps could use a little ministry? Do you feel if you can't do something to perfection, you ought not bother? Do you frequently feel pressure to perform tasks that will result in applause? When you blow it, do you wait a long time before you try again? Do you feel the need to always make an "A"?
A continued stronghold of perfectionism could be a severe detriment to your destiny.
I'm not suggesting we shouldn't do our best. I'm simply saying that sometimes just surviving certain tasks without falling apart is our best and in those times God is not ashamed of our performance. He's proud of us for fighting overwhelming human emotions to do His will. God isn't interested in our stellar performance but in our hearts. He loves our willingness and obedience despite our insecurities."
WOW! Thank you Lord! I so needed to hear that today!