Everyone needs a little encouragement sometimes, this post is in honor of my wonderful husband Kyle. Let me just share a few reasons with you why I love this man so much!
Kyle approached and pursued me. - So many women these days run after men they are interested in, I didn't have to do that. Kyle came up to me the first time we met and called me to ask me out. I love that!
Kyle gave up sleep on Sunday mornings - He learned that if he wanted to see me on Sundays, he had to be at church with me because that's where I was every Sunday. He stepped out of his comfort zone to be with me and in the end fell in love with not just me, but also with our Lord and Savior. Now Kyle is an active and dedicated member at Fairview Baptist Church. Praise God! (btw, this was not forced on him, but highly encouraged)
Kyle can fix my computer - Seriously...I always depended on my Dad to handle that problem, now my hubby can be my hero and repair my computer when I break it ;) To me, that is a big deal.
Kyle is logical - He is my voice of reason when I get a little carried away or overwhelmed.
Kyle is patient - ...with everything, I'm the complete opposite.
Kyle works out for me - He always come home from the gym and makes me feel his muscles. He gets buff for ME! Love it!
Kyle is family oriented - That was big for me when I first met him, our very first date he was already talking about his family. He loves his family and my family, and I know he is going to make a great Dad someday.
Kyle teaches me about sports - I wasn't into sports a whole lot before we met but Kyle is IN to sports. Any sport, any day, anywhere, any player, he is into it. He teaches me a LOT which I find very cool. I'm sure I get annoying with all my questions but he always answers them...over and over.
Kyle lets me have the remote sometimes - He so willingly gives it up and I don't even have to ask. Then he doesn't leave the room, he watches my shows with me. How awesome is that?!?!
Kyle is trustworthy - Kyle can keep a secret way better than I can :) And I know he doesn't tell anything I don't want him to, men are much better at that than women, that's for sure.
Kyle supports me - A job decision, a house decision, a church decision, anything... Kyle listens to me, has great advice and stands behind me when I make a decision
Kyle loves food - and so do I. He is not a picky eater, thank goodness! I don't think I could live with a picky eater... the foods he doesn't like, I don't like either, hehe.
Kyle takes care of my car - Kyle keeps track of all my car stuff and washes it for me... and he does a good job... it takes him at least 2 hours to wash my car, clean the tires, check the oil, etc. I greatly appreciate that.
Kyle helps me with house cleaning - Kyle often does the dishes and vacuuming is his thing! He doesn't expect me to do it all!
Kyle goes shopping with me - even when he doesn't want to, and that includes grocery shopping too!
There are tons more reason why I love Kyle, this is just a very short list. The petty arguments that come from two imperfect people trying to live together will never outweigh the love we have for each other. I am so blessed to have him in my life and I am proud to call him my husband!