Just for the record I am NOT complaining about having a job, I am VERY thankful that Kyle and I both have fairly stable jobs right now :)
I have been completely exhausted the last couple of weeks though. My supervisor regularly changes which office I'm working in, my hours and my modality(CT or MR). I never know where I'm going to be until I get a call or get to work that morning. I like the variety and I'm meeting a lot of neat people and I'm learning a whole heck of a lot of stuff but it's very tiring. The next few weeks or so I'll be working 50+ hour weeks plus my hour drive to work and hour drive back home everyday. I get home, eat and go to bed most nights. Thankfully I love what I do, it makes it easier to deal with all the stress. Just gotta keep truckin' along.... it'll get better eventually.
Kyle is still happy with his job for the most part. He really likes being off-site and having a lot more freedom. Everybody at the college loves him to death, he is everyone's fav IT tech. When he was at main campus everyone would call his direct number instead of putting in work orders, haha. Kyle has recently picked up a new hobby... the guitar! He borrowed one from a guy at church and he's been teaching himself for the most part. Him and his buddy at work spend their lunch hours in the music stores. I'm lovin' it, it's going to be much fun when he can play songs for us. I love live music so this is very exciting for us.
In other news... my car is in the shop this morning getting a belt tightened. It kinda irritates me because we just paid a ton of money to get all the belts replaced and now 3 weeks later one is lose. It started squealing last night when I left work and it really scared me because it was dark and I was in a very bad area of Durham and I really didn't need my car breaking down there so Kyle took it in first thing this morning. Hopefully nothing else is wrong... I really need my car.
Anybody else ready for March?? I AM! It will be a very exciting month and we have plans like every weekend already. We have tons of March birthdays in our family! I'm super excited because our One Year Anniversary is coming up and we are gettin' away for a few days, yay! Then two of my very good friends that I've known forever are getting married. And then we have a women's retreat at church that I'm going on. Hopefully I won't be too tired from work to enjoy all the fun stuff in life ;)
This is one of my most favorite songs in the whole world, it is so powerful. Here are the words, but you have to actually hear it. This is what it's all about it...two words can truly change your life. Jesus Christ. I love Him more than anything and I live to honor and praise His name because he has changed my life...forever.
In Christ Alone
Words and Music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
In Christ alone my hope is found;
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all—
Here in the love of Christ I stand.
In Christ alone, Who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save.
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied;
For ev'ry sin on Him was laid—
Here in the death of Christ I live.
There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain;
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me;
For I am His and He is mine—
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.
No guilt in life, no fear in death—
This is the pow'r of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home—
Here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Valentine's Day!
I know this is a little late but I've been too busy and tired to update :)
Kyle and I spent our first married Valentine's Day together on Saturday! It was so much fun!!
I had worked a very hard 12 hour shift on Friday but I came home to roses and chocolate (my man loves me)! Then Saturday Kyle was so sweet and he took me to the mall(he REALLY loves me) and let me buy some prettifuls from Kirklands for the apartment. I was so happy! And he bought me a cute necklace and earrings too!
Then since I love Kyle... I agreed to go to the International AutoExpo with him out at the fairgrounds. I actually had a really fun time looking at all the nice cars. We even sat in some :)
Then we went to Outback for dinner.... I had been craving a good steak for months. After a 2 hour wait we finally got a table. The food was awesome and of course we had to get a bloomin' onion....SOOO good! We had a really great Valentine's Day together!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Kyle and I spent our first married Valentine's Day together on Saturday! It was so much fun!!
I had worked a very hard 12 hour shift on Friday but I came home to roses and chocolate (my man loves me)! Then Saturday Kyle was so sweet and he took me to the mall(he REALLY loves me) and let me buy some prettifuls from Kirklands for the apartment. I was so happy! And he bought me a cute necklace and earrings too!
Then since I love Kyle... I agreed to go to the International AutoExpo with him out at the fairgrounds. I actually had a really fun time looking at all the nice cars. We even sat in some :)
Then we went to Outback for dinner.... I had been craving a good steak for months. After a 2 hour wait we finally got a table. The food was awesome and of course we had to get a bloomin' onion....SOOO good! We had a really great Valentine's Day together!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Can I just say that people never cease to amaze me? I find it very fascinating to people-watch.
OK so last night Kyle and I are headed out somewhere and as we are walking to our car I notice this car come flying in the parking lot and whip into the handicap parking space. hmmmm... so that got my attention. Then a very sweet looking older lady steps out of the car and proceeds to get several things out of her trunk. Just as I'm contemplating that maybe we should help her... she starts booking' across the street as fast as she can to her apartment that again, is ACROSS the street. That's when I noticed that there were TWO totally empty parking spaces right in front of her door. So instead of making her life easier by parking right in front of her door, she just HAS to take full advantage of the handicap parking space across the street. She wanted to make good and sure that everyone knew that she and only she had the special Handicap sign hanging from her mirror and only she could park in the special parking space designated for HER... even if there was a closer spot. Amazing.
I really do love people... really. I'm not hatin'. I just had to share this story because it truly fascinated me :)
OK so last night Kyle and I are headed out somewhere and as we are walking to our car I notice this car come flying in the parking lot and whip into the handicap parking space. hmmmm... so that got my attention. Then a very sweet looking older lady steps out of the car and proceeds to get several things out of her trunk. Just as I'm contemplating that maybe we should help her... she starts booking' across the street as fast as she can to her apartment that again, is ACROSS the street. That's when I noticed that there were TWO totally empty parking spaces right in front of her door. So instead of making her life easier by parking right in front of her door, she just HAS to take full advantage of the handicap parking space across the street. She wanted to make good and sure that everyone knew that she and only she had the special Handicap sign hanging from her mirror and only she could park in the special parking space designated for HER... even if there was a closer spot. Amazing.
I really do love people... really. I'm not hatin'. I just had to share this story because it truly fascinated me :)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I am very proud to announce that I made my first attempt at "triple coupon" shopping today. So many ladies I know do it regularly and they keep telling me how much money they save and all these things they get for free. (They have baseball card notebooks that they keep all these coupons in, they buy like 3 or 4 Sunday papers every week and spend lots of hours researching and shopping, etc etc) I like saving money and all but it just seems like a lot of work to me and I don't really have time or the patience for 2-3 hour grocery shopping trips each week, plus I already despise the task to start with. BUT... I spent about 30 minutes online yesterday and rounded up a few coupons for things that I already regularly use and decided to go for it. It was actually kinda fun. Besides the millions of Moms and children crowding the whole store. I did save about $30 this week so I was proud. I don't see this as becoming an addictive, obsessive thing for me like some women, but I can definitely spend 30 min a week searching for coupons, that much I can handle, haha. And I only spent an hour in the grocery store :)
And to toot my own horn just a little louder (hehe), I finally purchased some reusable "GREEN" grocery bags. I'm not totally into all this "go green" and be all organic and stuff so I'm having to take small steps, one at a time. I'm trying.
And to toot my own horn just a little louder (hehe), I finally purchased some reusable "GREEN" grocery bags. I'm not totally into all this "go green" and be all organic and stuff so I'm having to take small steps, one at a time. I'm trying.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Exaggerated Sickness
At first I didn't find Monday to be funny at all, but now it kinda is :)
We had spent the weekend in Williamsburg, visting family and we had a really awesome time. We spent sometime at Jamestown and did the outdoor tour which was freezing but very interesting. We got to see Kyle's brother Chris, Michelle, Ava and baby Lincoln who is so adorable! It was a short but very fun trip! The stomach bug had been passed around their house last week so there was apparently some germs still floating around. I hardly ever get those stomach bugs so I wasn't too worried...
But Monday I felt fine all day until I had to leave to go to work around noon. On the way to work I started to feel a little nauseated but nothing too serious. Then I just felt worse as I started working and eventually around 4 or 5 I decided I needed to go home after I vomited up my entire breakfast and lunch. So I very calmly go tell my supervisor I need to go home and for some reason she sort of freaks. In the middle of me feeling sick and being concerned about leaving the other tech by herself to do my work... I didn't get what the big concern was. But my very sweet and concerned supervisor decided it would be best if I laid down in one of the rooms for a while and she proceeded to go get one of the radiologist to come check on me and make sure I was ok. Good grief, I just wanted to go home. So the doc comes in and then I find out why everyone is freaking.... I had just gotten my TB skin test done (which is negative btw) that day and they were concerned about an allergic reaction. They checked my BP and heart rate and everything was elevated, of course. So they made me call my doctor to see what he recommended... at this point I'm thinking this is ridiculous and I really just want to go home. It was not an allergic reaction, duh. I was just dehydrated and needed to go home. Then they found out I would have to drive an hour to get home and they wanted me to go to the ER... seriously?!?! So after tons of convincing they let me go home. My gracious!!!!! By the time I got home I was feeling much better and my lovely husband went to the store and got me some Pedialyte so I drank some of that and a couple of hours later I was fine. I never got sick again and I was completely fine the next morning. So I don't know if I really had the bug or just ate something bad, I don't know but it only lasted for a few hours. So basically I learned that I'll never be able to fake being sick while I'm working in health care, haha. They'll just break out that BP cuff and make sure I'm good and sick before they let me go home :)
We had spent the weekend in Williamsburg, visting family and we had a really awesome time. We spent sometime at Jamestown and did the outdoor tour which was freezing but very interesting. We got to see Kyle's brother Chris, Michelle, Ava and baby Lincoln who is so adorable! It was a short but very fun trip! The stomach bug had been passed around their house last week so there was apparently some germs still floating around. I hardly ever get those stomach bugs so I wasn't too worried...
But Monday I felt fine all day until I had to leave to go to work around noon. On the way to work I started to feel a little nauseated but nothing too serious. Then I just felt worse as I started working and eventually around 4 or 5 I decided I needed to go home after I vomited up my entire breakfast and lunch. So I very calmly go tell my supervisor I need to go home and for some reason she sort of freaks. In the middle of me feeling sick and being concerned about leaving the other tech by herself to do my work... I didn't get what the big concern was. But my very sweet and concerned supervisor decided it would be best if I laid down in one of the rooms for a while and she proceeded to go get one of the radiologist to come check on me and make sure I was ok. Good grief, I just wanted to go home. So the doc comes in and then I find out why everyone is freaking.... I had just gotten my TB skin test done (which is negative btw) that day and they were concerned about an allergic reaction. They checked my BP and heart rate and everything was elevated, of course. So they made me call my doctor to see what he recommended... at this point I'm thinking this is ridiculous and I really just want to go home. It was not an allergic reaction, duh. I was just dehydrated and needed to go home. Then they found out I would have to drive an hour to get home and they wanted me to go to the ER... seriously?!?! So after tons of convincing they let me go home. My gracious!!!!! By the time I got home I was feeling much better and my lovely husband went to the store and got me some Pedialyte so I drank some of that and a couple of hours later I was fine. I never got sick again and I was completely fine the next morning. So I don't know if I really had the bug or just ate something bad, I don't know but it only lasted for a few hours. So basically I learned that I'll never be able to fake being sick while I'm working in health care, haha. They'll just break out that BP cuff and make sure I'm good and sick before they let me go home :)
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