Wednesday, January 28, 2009

God is at work

I love to hear stories like Charlene Cothran's. Just when you think the world is unreachable, God proves us wrong. Cothran was a gay rights advocate for many years and the publisher of Venus (a magazine targeting African American gays and lesbians) magazine for 13 years. The remarkable story of her life changing experience of accepting Christ as her Lord and Savior was on the cover of Venus magazine a few years back. Her whole story and new focus is described on the website:

Her message is HOPE. There is hope and a way of escape out of the homosexual lifestyle for those who desire to get out. Praise the LORD! May their eyes be opened to the truth and to their need for Christ.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Just for Fun

Write 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.

1. I am a very emotional person, I tear-up over anything (Ex. I cried during Wall-E, haha)
2. I love BIG families and I want like 5 or 6 kids... doubt that will happen ;)
3. Radiology is totally fascinating to me, I love my job!!
4. One of my favorite things to do is sit around in comfy pants and fuzzy socks and watch movies.
5. I have a strong sense of discernment and I tend to be able to read people fairly easily and that sometimes makes me very skeptical and untrusting of others, ideas and situations at first.
6. I'm pretty much addicted to Dr. Pepper.
7. My goal one day is to be a stay-at-home Mommy.
8. I love studying the Bible and learning something new about God each day.
9. I am very critical of myself and want to always be perfect in everything I do.
10. I don't generally like cooking, but I try.
11. I love flying in airplanes, especially over the ocean.
12. I have the most excellent napping skills, I can sleep pretty much anytime of the day.
13. I do not like talking on the phone, I'd rather email or talk face-to-face.
14. I usually have nightmares if I watch scary movies or shows (I can't even watch CSI...but I love 24 for some reason)
15. I love people watching... it's very entertaining.
16. I get headaches all the time, it's quite annoying, especially when they turn into migraines.
17. I love having painted toe nails, I actually won't leave the house if they are unpainted.
18. I hate being late, I am almost always early for everything!
19. I love and appreciate all kinds of music, and I miss playing the piano and flute very much. I love listening to music and counting how many different instruments I hear.
20. My husband Kyle is my very best friend.
21. I get annoyed with computers and have no desire to learn much about them.
22. I drive only when I have to, I prefer to ride.
23. I love watching home design shows but I'm not very good at it myself.
24. Eating too many sweets and desserts is a big weakness for me.
25. I love seeing rainbows in the sky and being reminded of all of God's promises to us!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


What really scares me is that Fidel Castro says he believes in Obama, thinks he's a good man, Raul Castro wants Guantanamo's prison and base to be closed and "the territory it occupies should be returned to its legal owner - the Cuban people." Are you kidding me?!?! OK, so the average American doesn't give much thought about Cuba, most don't care. But ever since my trip to Cuba, I have a new awareness and concern for the country. Giving back land to it's rightful owners... the Cuban people, that is a joke. The Cuban people don't own anything. They are prisoners in their own land. Their careers are chosen for them, like they get paid much at all anyway. Their food is rationed. They live in fear, in shacks. They aren't even allowed down on the beautiful beaches, only tourists are. So why are we rewarding the evil Communist leaders?? I have no idea!! It makes me so mad I could just spit, haha. Seriously though... if we're going to "negotiate" with the Castros like Obama has so graciously offered to do, why don't we show a little more concern for the real freedom of the Cuban people instead of the "rights" of terrorist prisoners in Guantanamo and making life easier for the evil dictators. I just shake with anger when I see billboards all over the Cuban streets advertising the "RevaluciĆ³n!" and when the Cuban people won't even dare say "his" name but annoyingly refer to "him" (only when necessary) by a gesture that looks like they are making a beard under their chin with their hand. I thought it was a joke at first, but they seriously do not ever say Fidel's name. I remember all the friends I made there and their desperate attempt to understand the American way of life. They just could not even fathom the freedom and the wealth that we have. They begged our group several times to take them with us back to America. They are not allowed to even leave the country unless they win the "lottery" that happens every year when only a few families are chosen to make the coveted trip to Miami, only if they can afford it of course. The Cuban government's attempt at anti-American propaganda all over the streets and on TV doesn't sell. The people know they are prisoners, they know life could be better and they know that America is not evil. All I could do is look at their sweet faces and tell them that we do care, we do love them and unfortunately I don't have the power to do anything to help them. I pray for my Cuban friends everytime I think of them and their sad way of life. So my point, and then I'll hush... for one of the most evil and hateful Communist leaders in the world to think that Obama "is a good man" and will close Guantanamo really scares me.

k, I'm done.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So we have a new President. I watched the Inauguration mainly because it was such a major historical event for our country, but I think this was a very sad day in American history. People are so excited about this election because they think this is a new start, a better day for America. I'm not convinced. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to see Obama fail, we will all benefit in some ways from his success in office. I do believe though that a lot of people will be disappointed when they find out that he can't change the world in four years. Instead of placing so much hope in a human that has the same limitations as the rest of us, why don't we place our hope in the God who allowed the man to be elected. Certainly an election is no reason to be bitter, God is still in control. I will respect President Obama as the leading authority in this country, I will not always agree with his decisions. I pray that the Americans' eyes will be opened to the truth during these next four years.


Romans 1:18-32
18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

I think God's Word speaks for itself, no?

I love NC!

One of the hundreds of reasons why I love living in NC is that when it snows, we get to stay home! (for the most part-some people still have to go to work) We woke up this morning to a beautiful white winter wonderland outside. I was actually scheduled to have the day off already and the college closed so Kyle got to be home too!! This was the first big snow we have had in several years (we have at least 5-6 inches right now and it's still snowing), I love it! All of you Northerners always pick on us and call us weak for not traveling to work and school with just a few inches of snow but I think deep down yall are just jealous ;)

Frozen pond

Our apartment building

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tony Dungy

Tony Dungy has officially retired as the Indianapolis Colts Head Coach after seven seasons. I have to admit that I'm a little sad. Peyton Manning is my number one reason for liking the Colts but Tony Dungy made it that much better to cheer for his team. He showed such strength and character not only on the sidelines or in the locker room but also in his own personal life. I have come to have a lot of respect for Dungy. He is not one of those coaches who throws a fit and starts cursing after a bad call or get in his players face. He shows respect for others and he has in turn gained the respect of his players, other coaches and the fans. Since I'm on my reading marathon right now, I should get his book Quiet Strength, I've been wanting to read that for a while too.

Best wishes to Tony Dungy and his family!! The Colts just won't be the same without him!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Why do weekends have to go by SO fast?!?!

We had a nice, fun and relaxing weekend. We babysat my little cousin for a couple of hours, took her to the park and of course gave her sugar so she didn't take a nap (don't judge me, she was happy, haha) We did some shopping and tried to organize our overcrowded apartment. We are just simply out of space!

Kyle and I have decided that this Superbowl is going to be the most boring Superbowl ever. The worst teams possible are left to represent American football, how sad. All the teams that I have any reason at all to pull for are gone. Colts - out, Giants - Out, Panthers - Out, Chargers - Out. It's just not going to be as exciting as the last two years, oh well. We can still party and have fun with friends!

And of course last night we had to watch 24, it's going to be a great season!

Little cousin, she was so happy with a drink in one hand and ring pop in the other :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I love to read, I just haven't done much of it the last few years... except radiology books that is. But lately I have had the desire to get back into some leisurely reading. I have been extremely interested in one particular book since I picked it up. It's called More than a Carpenter, by Josh McDowell. I have heard this author referenced for years and never took the time to actually read any of his books. It is so interesting and I highly recommend it to anyone, whether you claim to be a Christian or not, it's a very cool book. This particular book discusses whether the Bible is historically and geographically accurate, was Jesus really who he said he was and what difference does it make? What's even cooler is that Josh McDowell originally set out to disprove the Bible and prove that Christians are deceived and are blind followers who can't think for themselves. Through his research however, he actually began to see that the Bible is 100% accurate and 100% truth and he is now a Christian. What an awesome God we serve that all it takes is His Word to bring someone to faith in Him. WOW! Anyway... it's a great book. I'm even more excited to start another of his books, Evidence that Demands a Verdict.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Friends and Fellowship

Kyle and I had a busy but very fun weekend!

Friday night I met some friends from high school that I hadn't seen in over a year. We had a very nice dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and did a whole lot of laughing and catching up. I miss them all so much and wish we weren't so busy and could get together more often...

Saturday we headed to Goldsboro, NC to visit with some family on my Grandma's side. We had some of the best food and stuffed our bellies again. I was so proud because I made some homemade mac and cheese and it was the first thing gone out of all that good food :)

Then Saturday night we went over to our friends' apartment just a few buildings down from us, I love having them so close now!! We ate pizza and snacks and watched the incredibly depressing Colts and Chargers game... I was so bummed since I just love Peyton Manning, oh well. Now I must pull for the Panthers (home team) or the Giants (at least Eli is still a Manning).

Sunday it was finally time to put away all the Christmas decorations... how sad. But it definitely lifted my spirits to see my most hated team ever, UNC lose to Boston College in basketball... I just had to chuckle ;)

Now it's back to normal. Kyle went back to work today and I'll go in this afternoon for a few hours. Hope everyone has a great week!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

May 2009 be another year to celebrate life, freedom and all of our many blessings!