Nothing new is really going on here except for we are getting super excited about Christmas! I love all of the holiday events and happenings. Kyle and I are so happy to be able to start some of our own family traditions as we celebrate our First Christmas together. YAY! I have decorated our little apartment and it is so cute and festive! We have secretly (sort of) bought presents for each other and have a nice little pile under our tree! I have plans to start some baking this week and we will ride out to see the Meadow Lights (a small town who sets up a lot of lights and they have a candy store - the real reason why I am interested, hehe) this weekend with some friends!
This Christmas I have especially been thinking about the real reason we celebrate this wonderful day in history. I am humbled that God would love us so much that He would send down his Son in human form to save to the world. What an awesome display of God's power and love all wrapped in one little baby. I am so thankful everyday that I have HOPE and a reason to celebrate! My King was born that Christmas day over 2000 years ago and it is a privilege to serve him today!
My new job is going ok. I am not getting as many hours as I thought I would get but so far it's not too bad. It will take me a lot longer than anticipated to get completely trained on the equipment. The GE system is much harder to learn than the Siemens equipment that I was trained on. I am a Siemens girl and I love it, GE is a nightmare right now. I actually irradiated myself on accident yesterday because I didn't even hear the machine when it started to take the pictures... how crazy is that? Siemens makes it loud and clear when it starts taking pictures, oh well. I am having to drive to Durham for about 2 months before they will let me work in the new Cary office so that's kinda stressful. I do love the ladies I work with though, they are very kind. I have been so impressed with this office as far as their professionalism and patient care. They are wonderful with the patients and are very patient and kind to them. That is what matters the most to me. My personal philosophy is: When you stop caring about the patients, it's time to move on to something else. Another good thing is that the girl that I will be working with in Cary actually graduated with me from CT/MR school, so that's exciting. I am learning a lot everyday and hope to be able to work closer to home very soon.
Kyle is doing well for the most part. He has been sick for the last two weeks with a cold/cough/bronchitis thing going on. He finally went to the doctor yesterday and got some meds so hopefully he will feel better soon! He gets a long two week break off work over Christmas... oh the joys of working for a college! He is enjoying his new position because he doesn't have to work at the main campus all of the time. He gets to travel some to the Health Science campus where it is much quieter and he can get things done. He is most definitely loving his new car... which I have only gotten to drive ONE time, haha.
Only 9 more days til Christmas!