Well school is done with a while. CT is hopefully history for me. I certainly did not enjoy the program as much as I thought I was going to. I loved the hospital, the CT techs, the patients... but the stress level was way to much for me. I would not get paid enough to deal with that much pressure every day. If you forget to ask one question, you could kill a patient, even if you ask all the right questions, the IV contrast could still kill your patient, the radiologist is constantly calling back to CT every 5 minutes, not to mention there are at least 10 patients in line for a CT at any given time. I left the hospital everyday with a headache, sometimes in tears and usually
after my scheduled time to leave. So I'm going to hopefully get a nice relaxing break and pray that MRI will be much better.
Kyle is still for the most part enjoying his job at the community college. This is the ITS department's busiest time of the year when the students are gone and they have to set-up, fix or update all of the computer labs. He has had to work late and go in on Saturdays to get all of the work done. But he's doing what he loves so it all works out.
The wedding plans are almost done!! Praise God! All that is left is finalizing decorations for the reception and that will be done within the next couple of weeks hopefully. Now we just have to finish paying for everything. :)
Kyle and I are both so ready for Christmas! I just have to remember to stop and think about why we are celebrating sometimes because it gets so crazy. I am so thankful God loved all of us enough to send his ONLY son to this earth to die so we could be saved and spend eternity with Him. There is certainly no greater gift that has ever been given.
I hope everyone has a very Merry CHRISTmas!!