Thursday, January 8, 2009


I love to read, I just haven't done much of it the last few years... except radiology books that is. But lately I have had the desire to get back into some leisurely reading. I have been extremely interested in one particular book since I picked it up. It's called More than a Carpenter, by Josh McDowell. I have heard this author referenced for years and never took the time to actually read any of his books. It is so interesting and I highly recommend it to anyone, whether you claim to be a Christian or not, it's a very cool book. This particular book discusses whether the Bible is historically and geographically accurate, was Jesus really who he said he was and what difference does it make? What's even cooler is that Josh McDowell originally set out to disprove the Bible and prove that Christians are deceived and are blind followers who can't think for themselves. Through his research however, he actually began to see that the Bible is 100% accurate and 100% truth and he is now a Christian. What an awesome God we serve that all it takes is His Word to bring someone to faith in Him. WOW! Anyway... it's a great book. I'm even more excited to start another of his books, Evidence that Demands a Verdict.

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