Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beach Time

We have had a super busy but fun summer but we had not made it to the beach at all until this past weekend. Some friends invited us along to stay at their beach house for the weekend and we had such a nice and relaxing time.

We got a good dose of Vitamin D on Saturday laying out and swimming in the ocean. And... I did not get burned. Score! We made home made ice cream and watched some NASCAR (they were such good sports to let Kyle watch an entire race!) We even got some shopping in too! For dinner we drove and drove and drove down this road that finally dead ended at the water. There was a super cute beach house that had been turned into a seafood restaurant. It was such a neat place! The restaurant was on the first level and they had a bar and live music on the top deck. And the food was amazing!! The weekend ended with some board games and more NASCAR. Go figure.

Definitely a great weekend!!

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