Monday, April 26, 2010

Financial Peace

Last night was our last night of Dave Ramsey's class, Financial Peace University. To say I got something out of this class is an understatement. I have a completely different view of money and finances, savings and the future. Let me just say that just because you are able to pay all of your bills every month does NOT mean that you are doing well financially. If you have any debt at all, you need to restructure your finances and work even harder towards a debt free life. We are already saving a lot more money after this 13 week class and are on a much faster path to being debt free. I am really starting to see debt as a negative thing instead of the normal thing. Being in debt is normal, we want to be weird like Dave. ;) I can't wait until we are out of debt and can give like we want to. I am naturally a giver and it is so hard for me to not be able to give like I want to because of our debt. We must stay focused and have patience but I am so thankful we had the opportunity to take this class while we are young and before we have kids. We have time to fix any mistakes that we have made and we have time to get out of debt! It has been such a blessing!

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