Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wedding stuff!!

My Mom and I took a road trip today out to Raeford, I'm still not exactly sure where we were, haha. But anyways, we met with the lady who is going to make our cake. I went in knowing exactly what I wanted, expecting her to have to adjust some things but she could totally do everything I asked for and was really super nice and I think she is going to do a great job. I've seen and tasted her work before and it was awesome so I'm pretty excited. The cake is a little bigger than I initially wanted just because I'm a plain Jane who doesn't like big-extravagant-draw attention to myself stuff. But I have way too big of a family so we have to invite almost 300 hundred people, and I seriously hope only like 200 come but it's all good. The cake is going to be B-E-A-U-TIFUL!! And her price is less than half of what I was quoted at several places in Raleigh. YAY! Plus we looked at some decorations for the church and I pretty much picked out what I wanted and it's not going to cost nearly as much as we anticipated which is great. We are going with more candles and less flowers since flowers are pretty much a rip-off. We also found some cool centerpieces (only like $7 a piece) for our reception tables so we are so excited and got tons of stress off our shoulders today. I hope everyone else is having a great week. I have just a few more days until school starts back so I'm enjoying those days and relaxing!!

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