Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Green Room

We have sort of been in a rut with the house for the last few months. Not exactly sure why, we've just been busy and working crazy hours so we just haven't really done much. But Kyle finally got motivated one day and went and got some paint!!! We are turning one of the upstairs bedrooms into an office/guest room. I let Kyle pick out the paint color *gasp*! I know! He did a great job though, it's an olive green color... Slate Green to be exact. It looks soooo nice!! No more yucky blue and gray! I seriously need some accent color suggestions.... I'm kind of stuck. Is white or cream too plain and safe? Would red/burgundy be to Christmasy? Is black or brown too dark? (I'm kind of staying away from brown anyway since our entire living room is green and brown already) Suggestions please!!

Old yucky colors


New green room... before all the junk got moved back in!

We even painted the closet, go us!


Courtney said...

Looks great! I think a nice white comforter with just different patterned pillows would look really nice. I think using light colors against the dark(er) green would look better than going darker and I don't think it's too safe!

Lindsey Fescoe said...

Thanks Court, I was kinda leaning that way too. At least for the comforter and curtains, I could always use the dark colors for smaller accents...

Michelle said...

I agree! I prefer simple and clean lines and colors when it comes to decorating so I vote for white. I like your idea of using darker colors for the small accents. Maybe you could find dark brown based lamps or something... Anyway, the room looks awesome! Chris is GREAT at picking colors and decorating, too.

Lindsey Fescoe said...

I prefer simple and clean too Michelle! Good thinking!