Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lindsey's Top 10

Here's my Top 10 for the week!

1. Having the privilege of scanning a Vietnam Vet the other day at work and having the time to sit with him and hear his story. He was telling me why he had to take 3 Valium to make it through the MRI because he was so claustrophobic because he had been trapped in fox holes during the war and he was traumatized. He told me a bunch of other really sad stuff too and I let him talk. So what if it took me an hour and a half to do his scan ;) And yes of course I had a good cry afterwards, he was messing with my flow man! But it really is patients like that that remind me why I am in this career.

2. Kyle got a computer desk from a guy he does some computer work for. Not exactly what we want but it works for now and it was free!! Now the home "office" is all cleaned out and looks much better!

3. I had a wonderful lunch and shopping with a very dear friend this week. It made my day! Good friends are hard to find so when you do find them, you don't let them go! Except she is about to move away for at least a year while her hubby does a residency. Boo!

4. I had the joy of watching the UNC basketball team LOSE TWO games this week. I'm not going to lie, it was delightful. Yes, I watched both games and prayed the whole time they would lose. I was born with a natural hatred for this team. I celebrate when they lose just as much as I do when NC State wins, hehe.

5. It was a gorgeous day on Friday! Absolutely perfect weather, it was so refreshing!

6. I walked out of my house today and heard the church bells ringing from a church down the road. I love living in the country so close to everything in downtown and I love church bells. It was a beautiful sound, I had to smile :)

7. It was Fun Food Friday at work yesterday and the ladies made some of the best food ever! I got two new recipes and I tried the cheese biscuit one tonight. YUM!!

8. I blogged about a book a couple of posts ago, somebody from the publisher saw it and I got a free book because of it! How cool is that?!?! :-)

9. I found an unused Bed, Bath and Beyond gift card when I cleaned out my wallet! Score!

...and, are you ready for this??

10. JACK IS BACK!!!!!!!!!! OK it hasn't officially happened yet but it will tomorrow. Two hours of "24" baby!! Oh come on, it's only the best show ever!!! I am beyond excited, and so is Kyle, he's just a tad more reserved about it that I am ;)

So basically it was a great week!! Hope yours was great too :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh! Love this idea! Yay for a free book, that's so cool! Yay for everything on the list! I love where you guys live, too :-)